MODULO 5 The Vietnam War and the Era of Protest At the end of WWII the Western world experienced a period of political stability and economic wealth and is usually referred to as the Golden Age . However, the Sixties war a decade of political unrest, and was marked by events like the student protests in America and in Europe, the invasion of Czechoslovakia by the Soviets and the Vietnam War. WARM UP ACTIVITY 1.A Observe the two images below and explain why they can be considered to be symbols of two different historical moments. You should use the following words: end of WWII destruction reconstruction new way of life consumerism freedom of movement bombings victims Germany Italy economic collapse Golden Age economic boom industrial development confidence in the future BEFORE AFTER Image A. The city of Dresden, Germany, after the aerial bombing attack of February 1945. Image B. Automobiles queues along the A4 Milan-Turin motorway at the beginning of the Sixties. ACTIVITY 1.B Now using some of the words from Activity 1.A write a short paragraph (7 to 10 lines) describing what you believe changed in European cities after WWII. 40