SPAZIO CLIL PRINCIPLES OF TRAINING Read the text and complete with the principles. There are four main factors you must take into account when taking part in any form of training session. Each one of them has a specific effect on the body. 1. Specificity: the particular kind of activity or exercise you use to build up or improve certain body parts or skills. Training should be specific to a sport, to a physical component, to a person or to a part of the body. 2. Overload: making your body work harder than normal in order to make it adapt to improve. The frequency, the intensity, the time of each session and the type of training or exercise are important to this type of training. 3. Progression: increasing the overload gradually and safely. It is important to consider the starting level, age and the objective. 4. Reversibility: the loss of positive effects if you stop training. Complete with the principle of training. A If you get injured and you cannot train for a month you lose the effect of your training. B - You may have to start very gradually and increase the demands as your body adjusts to the training. C Training should concentrate on the particular needs of the performer or athlete. D We have to run faster, lift heavier weights or stretch further during trainings. 3 L allenamento 355