MODULO 2 The American Revolution On 4 July 1776 the delegates of the 13 American colonies voted the Declaration of Independence, breaking off all ties from Great Britain. At the end of the Revolutionary War (1775-1783) Great Britain recognized the independence of the United States of America. In the United States the American Independence is celebrated on 4 July. WARM UP ACTIVITY 1.A Look at Map A and complete the chart by indicating the names of the American colonies. Northern colonies (New England) Middle colonies Southern colonies BEFORE AFTER Vermont Canada Ap pa lac h ia n M ou ns New York ai nt Pennsylvania Virginia Nova Scotia Maine (part of Massachusetts) New York Nova Scotia New Hampshire Massachusetts Rhode Island Connecticut New Jersey Delaware Maryland Atlantic Ocean pp i Claimed by New York and New Hampshire Mississi Quebec New Hampshire (1791) Ohio Northwest territory Rhode Island Connecticut Pennsylvania (1803) Kentucky Louisiana Massachusetts New Jersey Virginia Delaware Maryland (1792) (returned to France in 1800) Tennessee Atlantic Ocean North Carolina (1796) North Carolina South Carolina Northern colonies Central colonies Southern colonies Boundary established by Royal Proclamation, 1763 Colonies boundaries Georgia Western Florida Eastern Florida Map A: The thirteen colonies. Mississippi territory South Carolina Thirteen colonies Georgia Territories attributed to the United States after the Treaty of Paris (1783) British possessions Western Florida Spanish possessions Eastern Florida (British from 1763 to 1783, Spanish from 1783) (1792) Year of entry into the United States Map B: The United States of America. ACTIVITY 1.B Look at the two maps carefully, compare them and complete the phrases. 550 1. The original thirteen colonies became ............ ... ................................................................................................ . 2. The Western territories became ............ ... ........................................................................................................... . 3. Canada became ............ ... ....................................................................................................................................... . 4. Spain had the control of ............ ... ......................................................................................................................... .