TEACHER S TOOLS PADUA Giotto and Padua COMPETENZE Inquadrare correttamente gli artisti e le opere studiati nel loro specifico contesto storico Saper leggere le opere architettoniche e artistiche utilizzando un metodo e una terminologia appropriati Riconoscere e spiegare i caratteri stilistici, i significati, i materiali e le tecniche utilizzati Acquisire consapevolezza del valore culturale del patrimonio architettonico e artistico italiano e conoscere le questioni relative alla tutela, alla conservazione e al restauro LEARNING OUTCOMES Identify areas and events related to the historical period Identify the main characteristics of Giotto s paintings Acquire specific language related to art history Understand written texts and recordings Distinguish between reliable and unreliable sources of information Identify historical and artistic elements in the Italian context Gather information and produce original texts using the knowledge acquired in this module WARM-UP STRAT EGY ACTIVITY 1 20 min. / PAIR WORK LINGUISTIC SKILLS: Reading, Writing LOTS Remembering: recalling, identifying, relating, recognising Understanding: interpreting Applying: carrying out ACTIVITY 1 Pair work. In your workbook draw a chart similar to the one under the images. Then insert the words that refer to Byzantine and Latin Art in columns 1 and 2 and the words describing the two paintings in columns 3 and 4. 1. Byzantine Art 2. Latin Art 3. Emperor Justinian and his entourage 4. The Meeting at the Golden Gate two-dimensional, abstract and symbolic emotional expressions, architectural elements, bulky and monumental political authority, crown, imperial robe, members of the clergy, members of the imperial Gate of Jerusalem, human interaction, intimate scene, a kiss, narrative scene, fortified city, bulky and monumental features, repetitive facial features, fixed and repeated formulas figures, extension in space, realistic details, mass and volume of bodies, chiaroscuro technique administration, soldiers, the bowl for the Eucharistic bread, lavish clothing, mosaic figures, fresco, characters from the Bible, plain clothing, mass and volume of bodies, meeting of Anna and Joachim