TEACHER S TOOLS ARCHITECTURE The Renaissance Architecture in Florence COMPETENZE Inquadrare correttamente le opere studiate nel loro specifico contesto storico Saper leggere le opere architettoniche e artistiche utilizzando un metodo e una terminologia appropriati Riconoscere e spiegare i caratteri stilistici, i significati, i materiali e le tecniche utilizzati Acquisire consapevolezza del valore culturale del patrimonio architettonico e artistico italiano e conoscere le questioni relative alla tutela, alla conservazione e al restauro LEARNING OUTCOMES Identify areas and events related to the historical period Identify the main characteristics of the Renaissance period Acquire specific language related to architecture and art history Understand written texts and recordings Distinguish between reliable and unreliable sources of information Gather information in real contexts Identify historical and artistic elements in the Italian context WARM-UP STRAT EGY ACTIVITY 1 20 min. / PAIR WORK LINGUISTIC SKILLS: Reading, Writing LOTS Remembering: recalling, naming, locating, recognising Understanding: exemplifying Applying: executing HOTS Analysing: attributing, finding ACTIVITY 1 Pair work. Look at the Classical architectural elements below and try to identify them in the Renaissance buildings. In your workbook draw a chart and indicate which elements can be attributed to each building. Image 1: I recognise the arches and the pediment. Image 2: I recognise the arches. Image 3: I recognise the peristyle, the columns, the arches, and the Corinthian capitals. BRAINSTORMING ACTIVITIES 2 10 min. / RECALLING PREVIOUS KNOWLEDGE LINGUISTIC SKILLS: Speaking, Writing LOTS Remembering: recalling Understanding: exemplifying Applying: sharing ACTIVITY 2.a ACTIVITY 2.b ACTIVITY 2.c Individual solutions. STRAT EGY