........................................................................ ........................................................................................ ...................................... ......................................... NOME CLASSE DATA COGNOME Giotto and Padua Millions of people have travelled to Italy to see its rich artistic heritage. The works of world renowned artists can be seen throughout the country. Giotto s most important masterpiece can be found in the city of Padua, in the north of Italy. From an artistic point of view Padua is one of the most interesting cities in Italy to visit. WARM-UP ACTIVITY 1 Pair work. In your workbook draw a chart similar to the one under the images. Then insert the words that refer to Byzantine and Latin Art in columns 1 and 2 and the words describing the two paintings in columns 3 and 4. political authority Gate of Jerusalem crown imperial robe human interaction members of the clergy intimate scene members of the imperial administration soldiers emotional expressions a kiss the bowl for the Eucharistic bread narrative scene architectural elements two-dimensional fortified city abstract and symbolic features repetitive facial features bulky and monumental figures extension in space fresco realistic details characters from the Bible lavish clothing mosaic plain clothing fixed and repeated formulas mass and volume of bodies meeting of Anna and Joachim chiaroscuro technique Emperor Justinian and his entourage, mosaic, 540-547, Ravenna, Basilica of San Vitale. 1. Byzantine Art 2. Latin Art Giotto, The Meeting at the Golden Gate, fresco, 1303-1305, Padua, Scrovegni Chapel. 3. Emperor Justinian and his entourage 4. The Meeting at the Golden Gate