........................................................................ ........................................................................................ ...................................... ......................................... NOME CLASSE DATA COGNOME Michelangelo as a Sculptor Michelangelo Buonarroti claimed that sculpture was superior to painting as the sun is to the moon, because painting, like the moon, can only shine with reflected light. He thought that the art of sculpture was produced by the force of taking away rather than by the process of adding on . WARM-UP ACTIVITY 1.a In your workbook draw a chart and indicate which words can be attributed to each of the sculptures. heavily muscled before the action short tunic bronze 1. Andrea del Verrocchio, David, 1472-1475, bronze, h 126 cm, Florence, National Museum of Bargello. completely naked young man marble after the action young boy sling Greek-Roman models sword 2. Michelangelo, David, 1501-1504, marble, h 410 cm, Florence, Accademia Gallery. ACTIVITY 1.b Pair work. With a partner do some research on the history of David and then prepare a short oral presentation for the class that includes a description of the statues.