MODULO 2 The Big Crash, the Great Depression and the New Deal The period between 1929 and 1941 was dramatic for the USA and its people. After a period of great prosperity and significant social changes, in 1929 the country entered an era of economic crisis, the Great Depression , that spread throughout the entire world. In 1933 the newly elected Democratic president Franklin Delano Roosevelt launched a vast programme of economic and social reforms, called the New Deal , which ultimately enabled his country to recover from the crisis. WARM UP ACTIVITY 1.A In your workbook draw the table below and indicate which words can be attributed to Image A or Image B. Some words may be attributed to both. queues pickaxe employed unemployed charity idle working crisis government work programme feeding the poor restoring pride sense of helplessness pessimistic perspectives optimistic perspectives useful activity work project for conservation effects of the Great Depression public relief self-supporting Image A Image B BEFORE AFTER Image A. Soup kitchens and breadlines in New York, 1933. Image B. Civilian Conservation Corps, 1935. ACTIVITY 1.B Pair work. Look at the words that you have attributed to each image and with a partner use the words to describe the effects of the Great Depression and those of the American government s interventions. Sample: The Great Depression is illustrated in Image A because The American government s intervention is illustrated in Image B because 16