CAPITOLO 3 Il latte e i suoi derivati INCLUSIONE INTEGRATA Studia con i Saperi fondamentali in versione digitale accessibile QUADERNO OPERATIVO A COLPO D OCCHIO PAGINA 32 LATTE VALORE NUTRITIVO contiene: acqua glucidi (lattosio) lipidi proteine ad alto valore biologico sali minerali (soprattutto calcio) vitamine (idrosolubili e liposolubili) PROCESSO PRODUTTIVO controlli standardizzazione del tenore di grasso omogeneizazione degasatura trattamenti termici (pastorizzazione o sterilizzazione classica o UHT) YOGURT E LATTE FERMENTATO prodotto dalla fermentazione del lattosio a opera di batteri lattici si divide in yogurt a coagulo intero e yogurt a coagulo omogeneo FORMAGGIO prodotto per coagulazione presamica (grazie all aggiunta di caglio) o acida (grazie ad acidi o batteri) ricco di proteine, lipidi, calcio e fosforo con il siero, un suo sottoprodotto, si fa la ricotta DERIVATI E S LINGUA INGLE 132 Milk and Dairy Products Verso il compito di realtà Milk is a very important element in our diet. It has been part of our food tradition for many centuries and it plays a key role in the Mediterranean diet. When we speak of milk, we normally refer to the white liquid, with sweet taste and delicate smell, obtained milking a cow; however, milk from other mammals, such as goats or sheep, can also be consumed. Milk is used to make other very important foods, such as cheese and yogurt. In Italy there are many unique and high-quality milk products that have obtained a Protected Designation of Origin (PDO, or, in Italian, DOP) or a Protected Geographical Indication (PGI, or, in Italian IGT). Milk has been part of our diet since we were kids, and it is important to know it well. UDA 3 Alimenti di origine animale LAVORO IN TEAM Divide into groups of three and write in English a list of all the things you know about milk. What are its main nutrients? What is its production process? How is cheese made? Then design a mind map and present it to the class.